Research and Training Symposium of the Polish Society for Reproductive Medicine 7-8th October, Warsaw

Research and Training Symposium of the Polish Society for Reproductive Medicine 7-8th October, Warsaw

On 7-8 October 2016, INVICTA Research Team will participate in the Research and Training Symposium of the Polish Society for Reproductive Medicine and Embryology and the Study Centre for Human Reproduction.

During the session dedicated to Oncofertility, Dr Joanna Liss, Manager of INVICTA In Vitro Laboratories, will discuss the subject of ovarian tissue cryopreservation. Our embryologists were the first ones in Poland to perform a successful procedure in a cancer patient. The ovarian tissue collected from the patient was frozen and several years later, after appropriate preparation, was reimplanted to this patient and restarted its functioning.

During the next session dedicated to present and future reproductive medicine, Prof. Grzegorz Jakiel, gynaecologist and andrologist from a clinic in Warsaw, will be discussing genetic aspects of male infertility.

During another session, Sebastian Pukszta, MD, PhD, INVICTA Genetic Laboratory, will have a lecture regarding the most recent methods to assess developmental potential of embryos. His lecture will be about next generation sequencing in preimplantation diagnostics.

This symposium is an excellent opportunity to share experience with fellow researchers and to present results of the studies of our team regarding human reproduction and genetics.

INVICTA Genetic Laboratory has been performing genetic screening of embryos since 2005. Our team of world-class experts and scientists has been developing the innovative methods of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for over 13 years.