FertiGenes Test™
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Test

What is FertiGenes Test™?

FertiGenes Test™ Female Infertility is a genetic test for women planning a pregnancy. It has been designed for couples seeking to become parents. The test allows for determination of mutations present in the woman’s DNA and how they could affect the pregnancy and the baby’s health. Human fertility has a variety of associated genes, and knowledge of a couple’s genetic status can help them specify the prognosis for a natural pregnancy, properly plan any possible treatment, reduce the risk of miscarriage and support them in their effort to deliver healthy children.

Male Infertility

FertiGenes Test™ Male Infertility is a genetic test for men planning to become fathers. It has been designed for couples seeking to become parents. The test allows for determination of mutations present in the man’s DNA and how they could affect the pregnancy and the baby’s health.

Cooperation step by step

This test was designed to detect aneuploidies and imbalance resulting from Robertsonian translocations. It does not detect segmental aneuploidies, germline mosaicism related to aneuploidy, structural chromosome defects (e.g. deletion of the chromosome part, inversion, duplication), uniparental disomy, triploidy, tetraploidy.


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