Cooperation with the INVICTA Genetic Laboratory and to performance of PGS NGS 360 tests here means that you can expect comprehensive services – starting from biopsy material to test results that are ready to be discussed with patients. Test results are accompanied by a summary report covering results from all embryos of a given patient that includes information about embryo transfer recommendations that are based on all the tests that have been performed for each embryo. A detailed test report is also available for each individual sample.
A detailed report from the PGS NGS 360 test is available for each sample and it contains information on autosomal and sex chromosome anueploidies. It graphically presents a content of genetic material in all chromosomes of a given sample. Comments depend on the results obtained for a given sample. Below you can find a link to a PDF file presenting an exemplary result for a sample where a normalized content of genetic material included in chromosomes is different from reference DNA as there is aneuploidy, namely trisomy of the chromosome 18 and monosomy of the chromosome 22.
PDF file with a detailed report
Thanks to specific properties of NGS testing allowing us for to perform simultaneously several analyses for each sample, it is possible to order PGS NGS 360 and PGD ONE for one embryo. A result of a single PGD ONE test includes a detailed description of a genetic status of the embryo regarding a tested change in DNA. For the orders combining both diagnostic tests the Summary Report will include consolidated results for PGS NGS 360 and PGD ONE. Additionally, if there are multiple embryos tested for a single patient the Summary Report will also include results summing up all tests ordered for individual embryos. Below there is a link to a PDF file presenting an exemplary Summary Report.
PDF file with a Summary Report
If you expect comprehensive approach to performance of testing on your samples then Invicta’s offer of diagnostic services is for you When you send an embryo biopsy material to us you will receive a clear result, prepared for a discussion with your patient, that contains the most important information – expert recommendation for transfer.