PGD testing for reciprocal translocations – now with NGS

PGD testing for reciprocal translocations – now with NGS

PGD TRS is dedicated to all patients who were diagnosed with translocation of fragments of the genetic material between individual chromosomes, namely reciprocal translocations. Such mutations are detected in karyotype testing. Partners themselves may not experience any consequences of such mutations, but there is a high risk of serious defects in their offspring.

Preimplantation diagnostics as part of the in vitro programme allows to determine the genetic status of embryos and to transfer only such embryos that have balanced genetic material. It significantly increases chances of pregnancy and delivery of a healthy child. In this situation NGS is a guarantee of the highest possible quality.

The introduction of the NGS technique to the tests mentioned above is especially valuable in patients who are carriers of a balanced reciprocal translocation because:

  • It is not necessary to collect any material from patients or their family members,
  • time to prepare the diagnostic test is up to 4 weeks, and not 3–4 months as it was in the past.

The test costs PLN 7990 [up to 8 embryos; each additional embryo – PLN 790]. It is possible to conduct PGD TRS together with PGS NGS 360 at the price of 13,000. Such a combination of diagnostic tests will help obtain complex knowledge on the embryo chromosomal status.

Good to know

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is currently the most innovative method of DNA analysis and it provides the highest possible analysis sensitivity and result reliability.

INVICTA Genetic Laboratory has been performing genetic screening of embryos since 2005. Our team of world-class experts and scientists has been developing the innovative methods of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for over 13 years.