ESHRE 2018 has ended – thank you for being with us

ESHRE 2018 has ended – thank you for being with us

Hundreds of ESHRE 2018 guests visited INVICTA Genetic Laboratories exhibition booth. They had an opportunity to talk to the experts from the company and learn more about innovative DNA testing offer. Over 700 visitors took a virtual walk around INVICTA IVF Lab and participated in a engaging contest winning special gifts. “In my opinion this was the most successful event in the last five years. We met lots of interesting people, we’ve started some promising relations and had a great time” – summarizes  Jakub Dejewski, Sales Director in INVICTA.

INVICTA’s medical team also positively assessed this annual meeting. They noted the substantial value of discussed topics and presented research results. The lecture about genetic aspects of embryo development given by dr Joanna Liss as well as all of INVICTA abstracts received a great deal of interest from congress participants.

”We want to say thank you to all fantastic people who visited us at ESHRE 2018. Thank you for the meaningful meetings, inspiring conversations and positive feedback we have received. Hope to see you soon again - next year or even earlier” – says Mr. Dejewski.

INVICTA Genetic Laboratory has been performing genetic screening of embryos since 2005. Our team of world-class experts and scientists has been developing the innovative methods of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for over 13 years.