Already in less than two weeks, during the 16th International PGD Conference organized by the PGDIS (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis International Society), INVICTA Genetics Laboratory will present its most recent achievements in the field of PGD Preimplantation Diagnosis.
The congress will take place on 26-29 March 2017 in Valencia. During the event, experts from the whole world meet to discuss the most recent trends and reports in the field of embryo genetic diagnosis. The programme of the conference focuses on the most important areas of PGD development, including, among others, the assessment of the genetic risk in couples trying for a child, external and internal factors contributing to the occurrence of aneuploidies, modern diagnostic opportunities or challenges concerning PGD diagnosis in the future.
The event will take place in one of the most characteristic business centres in Valencia – Valencia Conference Centre (VCC), which every year attracts thousands of visitors in the framework of organized in the great number fairs, conferences, congresses and other events, both local and international. The building with the area of 16,000 square meters has become the specific landmark of the city.
In addition to lecture sessions by experts from the whole world and the poster session with the presentation of abstracts from the conducted scientific research, the congress will also be accompanied by industry fairs.
Among the exhibitors, the offer in the scope of innovative genetic testing will be promoted also by the INVICTA Genetics Laboratory which is the leader of PGD diagnosis in Poland. In terms of the number of PGD diagnoses performed yearly, INVICTA is currently on the sixth place in the world. In 2013, as the first centre in the world, INVICTA introduced into the clinical practice the embryo testing based on next generation sequencing – the newest and the most precise method of genetic material analysis.
The quality of tests by INVICTA is confirmed by international controls, including EMQN (European Molecular Genetics Quality Network), CF Network (Cystic Fibrosis European Network), INSTAND, QCMD (Quality Control for Molecular Diagnostics), CEQA (Cytogenetic European Quality Assessment) and Labquality.